My husband says he chooses me, but tells this girl 'he loves her" and cant live without her etc..... I know they are emailing each other now. I recorded phone conversations to catch him cheating, but I dont know how to get into email. Please help.
How do I spy on my husbands email?He is still talking to the girl I caught him cheating with.He wont stop.?
If he's cheating on you, i don't see any reason to check his email. Just pack your sh*t while he's at work and be gone before he gets home. Then write him an email from your new location letting him know you're leaving him, in case he hasn't figured it out. He may say he chooses you, but what he choosing is to continue disrespecting you.
Reply:You need to sit down and talk. Tell him that you need to trust him, but that you suspect he is not being honest with you. Ask him what he is willing to do to reassure you. Is he willing to let you have full access to his e-mail and cell phone? If he reacts in anger or avoidance, then you know where you stand, and it's time to start making some tough decisions.
At any rate, stop playing the sneaking game and be direct. If he can't or won't show you his e-mail, then he is most likely hiding something or at the very least considers his privacy more important than your peace of mind and the continuation of your marriage.
Reply:what would getting into his email do for you? you've already recorded phone calls...what other proof are you looking for short of walking in on the two of them getting busy? i know this hurts you - as i would be hurt too, but don't push the knife in deeper by continuing to look for what you already know to be true.
you have a decision to make. either you stay with him and allow him to lie, and disrespect you and your marriage, or you can leave.
you have to decide how you feel about yourself and if whether or not you are more important to you than a man who has no respect for you whatsoever.
Reply:Did you set up the email account (all you need is the password for the master account)? You can call and tell them you forgot the password for that email address on your account. They will change it in a heartbeat and you are on your way.
When my husband had his affair he didn't want to give me his email password. Well, 5 minutes later I was reading how he had wished he met her 12 years ago (time-frame at the time) blah, blah, blah. Man was he an idiot.
Reply:I've been in your shoes. I've caught my husband numerous times. I think he wanted to be caught because of the carelessness of the whole way he did it. My advice to you would be to stop making yourself miserable by spying. You're allowing him and his girlfriend to consume your life. Don't stress yourself out. Be done with it. If you're not ready to leave, fight fire with fire. Be a walking mirror and do everything he does. Or at least make it appear as though you're doing everything he's doing. Obviously, he doesn't care about your feelings enough to be faithful. So, grow thicker skin, take off your wedding bands, throw on a sexier than usual outfit and leave the house. He'll get the picture.
Reply: I' m not going to tell you to leave him like everyone else on here is.
First of all until it happens to you its easy to say "leave him"
Second, all types of infidelity are different and though may seem similar never are.
Spying on him is not the best answer but I know why and understand why you feel this way. By spying you may find out more than what you are ready to hear about.
I wouldn't download anything that records what is written on your computer because it could come back and bite you in your butt. Maybe you have things you don't want him to know about.
Try counseling or talking/opening up with what you know and how you found out and ask for the same.
I hope it works out for you.
Reply:You said, he chose you, but he is telling the other woman that he loves her, Well you don't need to read anymore emails, or hear any more voice mails to confirm what your Mind is trying to get your heart to realize and that is... His body is with you at the moment, but his heart belongs to someone else.
You only have a piece of him and if that is ok with you then stay...
don't bother snooping because you already know the answers to the questions.
My advice to you is to walk away until he decides to love you and respect you enough to fight for your marriage. If he isn't willing to fight then you have some tough decision to make ... Believe me the longer you stay and except things as they are the harder it will be to leave in the long run.
You can't be married by yourself and he can't be a single married man.
Good Luck!
Reply:I'm sorry to hear that, but if I were you I would kick him to the curb. He doesn't really seem like he is choosing you...You deserve better!!! You should definitely invest in getting something like this...Hope this helps...Good Luck Hun!!
spy software gives you the power to log all keystrokes typed, websites visited, windows viewed, applications ran, internet connections made, username and passwords entered, documents printed, documents opened, emails sent/received AIM / AOL / ICQ / Yahoo / MSN / Excite / GoogleTalk / Skype / XFire chat conversations, captures screenshots of the user's activities, and MUCH MORE!
Reply:Instead of going through the trouble, honestly I'd consider leaving him. He's cheated on you already and you know for a fact that they're emailing, so what's making you stick around? It's not fair for you to be stuck in a relationship where your spouse is obviously lying and cheating. Tell him it's over and leave. It's not worth the heartache you're going through.
Email Spy Monitor is a well designed email spy software for home %26amp; office use. It can log all SMTP, POP3 and web-based emails.
禄 Stealth and undetectable surveillance
禄 Log all emails read in Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003/2007, Microsoft Outlook Express 5/6, Windows Vista WinMail and Incredi Mail
禄 Log outgoing web mail (Mail mail, GMail, and Hot mail)
禄 Send logging reports in text format to a pre-set email box
Reply:I could say to u what everyone is saying, but it will not make a difference. This choice is completely up to u. Over 90% of the people have spoken..."don't spy, u've done that before. Don't stay, that's not working either," but the things running through ur head might be "my family is full of broken homes I don't want to be another one - or - I want my kids to have their father since I didn't - or - something like that."
In all actuality it all comes down to u. Are u happiest when ur around him? Not do u love him (we know it's obvious) but 'does HE' love u? If you can still find happiness cool, stick it out (I wouldn't but it's not me), if u cannot find any joy or peace %26amp; ur always miserable...think about leaving - ok?
Reply:Download a program called SC key logger onto his computer and save and re-name it to something he won't look in/at... then when he's not home, go into the program and it will show you EVERYTHING that he has written by him... Therefore, you get his password.
You can log in and check it out. Good luck.
Reply:Well if this is what it will take, use WebWatcher...It records EVERYTHING that is done on your computer and they'll never know! Here's a link for you: P.S. I got mine free from utorrent..P.S.S. sounds like you guy is just not done w/her but wants to hold on to you till he is! Ditch'em!
Reply:Leave him.... why bother putting yourself through this!! What makes him so great that you would want to stay and drive yourself nuts like this... and come on, can't be the sex! I know a dozen men off the top of my head that would kill for a decent woman and give her the world she has always wanted....
So honestly, why put up with any crap??
Reply:How do you spy? Sounds like you're doing a good job already. Try this though:
You're better off breaking up with your husband if you can't trust him. Save your money for the divorce lawyer. You already know he's a dog anyway.
Reply:Why spy? Just leave him. He's obviously not going to stop and there's nothing you can do to make him.
Have more respect for yourself and quit allowing him to do this to you.
Reply:i know what you feel ive been there done that all i can say is ask yourself why the hell do u want to know anymore? to hurt yourself? your really are not going to do anything , so why bother either leave him or just deal with it
Reply:What do you plan to do with it? You already caught him once, what more do you need to realize that he is a creep %26amp; you should deem yourself better than this!? messages are enough. You don't need anymore proof. Take it to court. Do you really want to live with a man who is cheating on you?
You know you love me~~~
Reply: why are you still in this relationship? have some self respect if he loves someone else you need to move on. find someone who loves you and only you. you do deserve that
Reply:quit being a stalker, and dump that loser.
look what he's turning you have to read everything he does, that is not what love is all about.
Reply:you can get spyware or you can leave his cheating asss. why be with a man who is in love with another?
Reply:You don't need to get into his email, you need to contact a
divorce attorney.
Reply:what is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander...
start having cyber and webcamming with some random man and see how HE likes it... ;)
Reply:You've already caught him. Why do you need more proof? Dump the loser, and use the recordings in court.
Reply:spy-ware get one that can tell you the key strokes and you can see what he is typing but not what she is saying
Reply:Stop acting crazy and just leave him.
Reply:LEAVE HIM. That simple.
Reply: He needs to make a choice..if it is not you..then you need to move forward for your own healings..but checking out his emails isn't good either
Reply:Why is he still your husband? What is this world coming to?
german name
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